Coastal Connections Web Series

The Coastal Society Coastal Connections Web Conferencing Series

The Coastal Connections Web Conferencing Series provides opportunities to learn about interdisciplinary coastal issues, diverse professions and career pathways, and connect with others in the coastal sector. The Coastal Connections series currently includes two formats: Trending Topics and Professional Spotlights.

Trending Topics

Trending Topics sessions feature presentations on pressing coastal issues and the latest science and management developments. All participants have the opportunity to engage through group discussion on these coastal issues. Trending Topics sessions are open to all TCS members and guests, so we hope you and any interested colleagues will join the conversation.

Professional Spotlight

Professional Spotlight sessions provide an opportunity for current students and professionals at all stages of their career to learn about potential career paths from current TCS members. Join us to learn first-hand from seasoned coastal professionals about their experiences and job tips. These sessions are intended for TCS members only as a benefit of your membership.

Questions, have topic suggestions, or interested in becoming involved? Contact

Upcoming Sessions

3/12/25 (3-4pm EST) Trending Topic Session

Mobilizing Regional ConservationThe South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative

Join us for The Coastal Society’s next trending topic discussion focused on the SASMI regional conservation effort.

Salt marshes provide numerous benefits for both the natural ecosystem and surrounding coastal communities. Due to the distribution of salt marshes along an extensive but relatively narrow geographic band in the U.S., conservation efforts warrant a regional approach. The South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative (SASMI) is a recent model of a regional conservation effort that aims to enhance the long-term abundance, health, and resilience of the approximately 1 million acres of salt marshes within the South Atlantic states. During this Coastal Connections session, representatives from a few of SAMSI’s partners will discuss SASMI’s origin, progress to date, and challenges that they are addressing to advance the program.

Michelle Covi, PhD, University of Georgia-Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant
Amanda Gobeli, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Todd Miller, North Carolina Coastal Federation

Lora Clarke, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Following presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their own expertise in a moderated discussion. The event is free and geared towards TCS members, but all are welcome. The Zoom meeting link will be provided to registrants prior to the event.

Register for free via this link –

Previous Sessions


10/11/23 – Trending Topic Session

Blue Carbon Planning

States can address the climate crisis by setting greenhouse gas reduction targets and related policies, including strategies to reduce emissions and enhance carbon storage in their natural and working lands. Due to their ability to sequester and store carbon, coastal blue carbon ecosystems like tidal marshes, seagrasses, and mangroves are increasingly being incorporated in policy discussions around climate mitigation. However, the inclusion of blue carbon into state climate strategies can be challenging, and progress is dependent on a variety of factors, including data availability, funding resources, and effective governance arrangements. In this Coastal Connections session, The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources shared existing strategies and resources that states have utilized to overcome some of these challenges and incorporate blue carbon into state climate planning.

Featured speakers included:

  • Alex Moya, Officer, U.S. Conservation, The Pew Charitable Trusts (presentation)
  • Dylan Taillie, Coastal Analyst, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (presentation)
  • Elliott Campbell, Ecological Economist, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (presentation)
  • Elizabeth Ruther, Officer, U.S. Conservation, Pew Charitable Trusts (presentation)

YouTube video link:

07/06/23 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Jill Meyer Senior Vice President, Lynker

Ms. Meyer shared her educational background and professional experience in coastal management and consulting. A copy of her presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members by contacting

04/11/23 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Dr. Larry Cahoon, Professor of Biology and Marine Biology at UNC Wilmington and a Director on the TCS Board of Directors

Dr. Cahoon provided an overview of his career, including his research in aquatic life and water quality and his experiences in coastal policy. A copy of his presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members by contacting

02/23/23 – New Trending Topic Session on YouTube Channel

NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries Program

Learn about the NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries program, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022. Topics covered include the history of the program, the value of the program in achieving the conservation goals, the challenges and rewards of working with local and regional stakeholders, and the diversity of sanctuaries as reflected in a few of the currently proposed sanctuaries.

Featured speakers from NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries include:

  • Ellen Brody, Regional Coordinator, Eastern Region
  • LeAnn Hogan, Regional Operations Coordinator, Eastern Region
  • Paul Michel, Regional Policy Coordinator, West Coast Region

YouTube video link:


10/06/22 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Don Davis, Director of Oral History, Louisiana Sea Grant
College Program

Dr. Davis provided an overview of his educational and professional background and discussed a book he recently co-authored with Carl Brasseaux titled Asian-Cajun Fusion: Shrimp from the Bay to the Bayou. A copy of his presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members by contacting

07/29/22 – Trending Topics Session

Adapting to Sea Level Rise

This session focused on regional solutions to addressing sea level rise, including ongoing resiliency efforts along the coastal United States, with a particular focus on coastal Virginia, Florida, and Louisiana. Featured speakers included:

  • Ben McFarlane, Senior Regional Planner, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
  • Whitney Gray, Florida Program Manager – Resilience, Michael Baker
  • Seth Blitch, Director of Coastal and Marine Conservation, The Nature
  • Moderated by Sydney Fishman, Shoreline Armoring Planning Associate, Washington Department of Ecology.

A recording of the session is available HERE.

5/17/22 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Amy Whitt, Founder and CEO of Azura Consulting, LLC

Ms. Whitt provided an overview of her career, including her experiences in marine mammal and sea turtle research, coastal environmental management, conservation and education, and ocean policy. She also shared her experience of starting and growing an environmental consulting firm. A copy of her presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members by contacting

3/30/22 – Trending Topics Session

The Art (and Science) of Projecting Sea Level Rise Coastal Storms: Community Resiliency

This session explained trends in sea level rise considering recent data in comparison to the geological record. Participants discussed sea level rise impacts on coastal resources and general mitigation approaches. Featured speakers included:

  • John Englander, Oceanographer/Author
  • Molly Mitchell, PhD, Research Assistant Professor at Virginia Institute of Marine Science
  • Moderated by Whitney Gray, Florida Program Manager – Resilience, Michael Baker International

A recording of the session is available HERE.


10/21/21 – Trending Topics Session

Coastal Storms: Community Resiliency

This session revealed how communities are preparing for addressing the challenges of more frequent and intense storms with climate change and how to communicate to and engage communities about risk. The session was moderated by Kim Grubert, Sustainability, Energy and Climate Change, WSP. Featured speakers included:

  • Erik Heden, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Newport/Morehead City, NC
  • Jill Gambill, Coastal Resilience Specialist at University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant

A recording of the session is available  HERE.

7/22/21 – Trending Topics Session

Aquaculture Development in the U.S.

This session focused on the growing U.S. aquaculture industry and its associated benefits, challenges, and innovations. The session was moderated by Dr. Kelly Lucas, Associate Vice President for Research at The University of Southern Mississippi’s Coastal Operations. Featured speakers included:

  • David O’Brien, Director (Acting), NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture (presentation)
  • Drue Winters, Policy Director, American Fisheries Society (presentation)
  • Paul Zajicek, Executive Director, National Aquaculture Association (presentation)

A recording of the session is available HERE.

7/8/21 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Dr. Michael Orbach, Professor Emeritus of Marine Affairs and Policy in the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.

Dr. Orbach provided an overview of his career path in social sciences and policy in coastal and marine environments, including research on all coasts of the U.S. and internationally. Dr. Orbach also shared his experiences serving on numerous Boards and Commissions, which included being former President of The Coastal Society. A copy of his presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members.

5/10/21 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Kristen Fletcher, Faculty Associate-Research in the Energy Academic Group at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California

Kristen Fletcher provided an overview of her career path through environmental, ocean, and coastal law and policy and her experiences with various NGOs, including serving as former President of The Coastal Society. A copy of her presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members.

2/26/21 – Trending Topics Session

Coastal Communities and Offshore Wind Development: Challenges and Opportunities 

Learn about the current status and expected trends of U.S. offshore wind lease development and listen to discussion about the challenges and opportunities for coastal communities, including economic and environmental considerations. The session featured three presentations from panelists and was moderated by Jennifer McCann, Director of U.S. Coastal Programs at University of Rhode Island and Director of Extension at Rhode Island Sea Grant.

Featured Panelists:

  • Laurie Kutina, Environmental scientist and air quality/NEPA specialist at WSP (presentation)
  • Matthew Smith, Director of Offshore Wind Business Development of the Hampton Roads Alliance (presentation)
  • Michael Snyder, New York State Department of State Office of Planning, Development, and Community Infrastructure (presentation)


12/17/20 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Lisa Phipps, North Coast Regional Representative, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development

Lisa Phipps provided a broad overview of her own fascinating professional and personal journey from working in fisheries in Idaho, to mayor and municipal judge in a small coastal community in Oregon, to her current position as a regional representative for coastal communities to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. A copy of her presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members.

11/12/20 – Trending Topics in Coastal Issues Session

Plastic Pollution: Coastal and Marine Trends

Plastic pollution in our marine environmental and coastal areas has been a growing issue of concern for scientists, governments, and citizens alike. A panel of three experts working in this field shared the latest trends in microplastic research, citizen science tracking of marine debris around the globe, and policy changes needed to prevent plastic from entering our coastal waters.

Featured Panelists:

  • Nicholas Mallos, Ocean Conservancy. Presentation slides available here.
  • Fred Dobbs, Old Dominion University. Presentation slides available here.
  • Kathryn Youngblood, University of Georgia. Presentation slides available here.

10/1/20 – Professional Spotlight Session

Featured Speaker: Rick DeVoe, Executive Director, South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium

Rick DeVoe provided an overview of his career with the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium, his educational background, and his involvement with TCS.  Mr. DeVoe shared several professional tips, including the importance of communication skills, building a network, and finding a great mentor. A copy of his presentation is available here, and a recording of the session is available for TCS members.

8/7/20 – Trending Topics in Coastal Issues Session

Improving Diversity and Equal Representation in Coastal Planning and Education Activities

For the inaugural TCS Coastal Connections session, this topic was selected to advance recent TCS Board of Directors initiatives to combat racism and increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in TCS activities and the coastal sector. Invited speakers provided an overview of systemic racism impacts on the STEM field, examples of programs supporting diversity in the coastal sciences, and community engagement efforts. Group discussion following the presentations was moderated by Trystan Sill, Resiliency Education Coordinator with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and TCS Volunteer.

Featured Panelists:

  • Dr. Brandon Jones, National Science Foundation. Presentation available here.
  • Dr. Corey Garza, California State University. Presentation available here.
  • Dr. Noelle Chao, Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy. Presentation available here.