By: Tom Bigford, American Fisheries Society Policy Director and TCS Past President, with Erin J. Bryant, Assistant Professor of Ocean and Coastal Policy, Sea Education Association, and Kimberly Hernandez, Coastal Fellow with Maryland Department of Natural Resources*, (TCS Communications Subcommittee Members)
The Best of The Coastal Society (TCS) 2015: community conservation events, career opportunity announcements, networking; TCS does it all for current and future coastal professionals.
#1 The New TCS Blog! Addressing legal issues, legislative action, international events, and coastal management strategies

The Coastal Society has celebrated 40 wonderful years of the Bulletin since Volume 1, Issue 1 in May 1976. The blog is meant to fill the space of the Bulletin in an updated format. Members have the opportunity to write about their work, students can write about their research, and Board members can use it as a forum to make Society announcements. Please reach out to Caitlyn McCrary with blog topics.
#2 TCS hosted Coastal Career Day November 14, 2015 at The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA

Coastal employers and other professionals met and talked with students about jobs in marine and coastal industry, government, science, and conservation.
For more, see
#3 TCS posted dozens of job ads, hosted meetings on cutting-edge topics, and welcomed new members in 2015
TCS members receive marine and coastal job listings and connect with marine and coastal professionals at meetings.
TCS and Restore America’s Estuaries will co-host a conference in December 2016

For more, see
#4 Duke Chapter Triathlon Raises Money with Fun

The annual Neuse RIVERKEEPER™ Foundation Sprint Triathlon in Beaufort, NC, raises money to help keep the Neuse River basin clean and pollution free. And the organizers and athletes have a pretty good time.
For more, see
#5 TCS Chapters Host Blue Drinks

Blue Drinks is “an informal social networking event” focused to facilitate connections in the marine environmental community.
For more, see
#6 University of Rhode Island’s Bass Rock Road Beach Sweep a Success

A URI Coastal Society chapter beach clean-up required a run for more trash bags to contain the collected items.
For more, see
#7 Oregon State University’s King Tides Photo Party Publicizes How Far Future Tides Will Reach

Oregon State University’s chapter of TCS celebrated smart coastal planning by photographing King Tides
For more, see
#8 Eckerd College’s TCS Chapter Cleaned the Beach at Ft. De Soto

Eckerd College’s TCS Chapter organized a beach cleanup at Ft. De Soto.
For more, see
#9 East Carolina University TCS Chapter Initiates Blog

East Carolina University’s TCS chapter started a blog in 2015.
For more, see
#10 Your favorite chapter events! Send us your news!
Student chapters of the Coastal Society actively pursue coastal management innovation and career advancement activities at Duke University, East Carolina University, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Oregon State University, Eckerd College, and the University of Rhode Island
For more, see