MAD Coastal Career Development Workshop: June 10, 2019, in Brockport, NY

Date/Time: Monday, June 10, 2019, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM (Coffee/tea starting at 8:00AM)

Location: The College at Brockport (SUNY), 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport, NY 14420

Overview: As part of the “Margaret A. Davidson Coastal Career Development Program,” The Coastal Society (TCS) is proud to honor Margaret’s legacy with this full-day workshop designed to provide valuable skills and information to the next generation of coastal practitioners, particularly college students and early-career coastal professionals. The Coastal Society hosted the workshop at the SUNY Brockport in coordination with the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) 2019 Annual Conference. Learn more about the conference here: IAGLR 2019 Conference.

Preliminary Program Description: The full-day event featured a seminar-style morning session with seasoned professionals who provided personal insights on pathways to coastal-related career options in academic, governmental, commercial, and non-profit sectors. The afternoon session focused on developing career skills, such as networking, resumé writing, interviewing, and job searching, with smaller break-out group discussions.  During lunch and breaks, attendees had the opportunity to engage with speakers, potential mentors, and their peers. Additionally, workshop participants were invited to attend IAGLR’s opening reception on the SUNY Brockport campus following the workshop (June 10th at 6:00 PM). Thanks to those who joined us to jump-start or enhance your coastal career path in the Great Lakes and beyond!

FINAL AGENDA available here

Speakers represented the following organizations:

  • Alliance for the Great Lakes
  • Ecology & Environment, Inc.
  • Great Lakes Research Consortium / NY Sea Grant
  • International Joint Commission
  • Journal of Great Lakes Research
  • NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
  • NY State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • State University of NY at Brockport
  • State University of NY at Geneseo
  • The Coastal Society

Questions? Contact Steven MacLeod at

We thank our Sponsors:

  • International Joint Commission (Commission Mixte Internationale)
  • Ecology & Environment, Inc.
  • Great Lakes Research Consortium
  • New York Sea Grant
  • The Ocean Conservancy





Great Lakes Research Consortium logoNew York Sea Grant