Membership FAQs

Is the membership renewal date on a calendar year?
A. Yes, as of 2008 all TCS members will renew their membership by December 31 of each year. This will make it easier for you to remember when you need to renew your TCS membership.

Q. What if I join late in the calendar year?
A. New members, regardless of when they join, will pay the full annual membership rate. It will not be prorated for a part of a year. New members will get all the benefits of membership which were available during the year (with the exception of voting in elections or on bylaws changes if the voting has closed). However, as a special promotion to new student members joining in the fall semester, membership will be extended through December 31 of the following year. For example, if you join in September 2021, your membership dues will be paid through December 31, 2022.

Q. As a new Regular Member or New Professional Member, will I have access to back issues of CMJ when I join?
A. As part of their dues rate, “Regular” and “New Professional” members receive a subscription to the journal Coastal Management. Yes, you will get access to all issues of CMJ published to their web site.

Q. Why doesn’t the Student membership category include a subscription to CMJ?
A. A poll of TCS Student members indicated that students already have access to the journal through their university libraries.

Q. What are the other benefits of membership?
A. Current members receive bi-monthly emails of job openings and of news and events related to coastal issues. You’ll also get an announcement when the latest TCS Blog has been published. Committee participation, survey feedback and voting for TCS Board members are some of the other Membership Benefits (PDF).

Q. Whom do I contact for any further questions?
A. Contact the TCS Office at or (757) 565-0999.