Call for Nominations for the TCS Board of Directors

The Coastal Society announces a call for nominations to the Board of Directors.  Several positions are open, so please take time to consider nominating yourself or a colleague.
The deadline for nominations is 8 PM Eastern on Monday, October 28, 2024.

The Fall 2024 election slate includes:
One position to be filled for a one-year term, beginning January 1, 2025, and ending on December 31, 2025.  After this term, the President-Elect will then move into the position of President for one year, beginning on January 1, 2026, and ending on December 31, 2026; and then into the position of Past President beginning on January 1, 2027, and ending on December 31, 2027.  The time commitment is a total of three years.

One position to be filled for a three-year term, beginning January 1, 2025, and ending on December 31, 2027.

Three positions to be filled for three-year terms, beginning January 1, 2025, and ending on December 31, 2027.

*** Nominations Process ***

Send e-mail submissions with 2024 Nomination in the subject line to Executive Director Judy Tucker at by 8 PM (Eastern) Monday, October 28.

When submitting a nomination, please include name, address,
telephone, and email address of each nominee, plus a brief description of their
background and any specific qualifications.
Please indicate if the nominee has agreed to run for the position and, if possible, include the nominee’s statement of interest for the position (may be included with background summary). If you have not contacted the nominee regarding the position, the TCS Nominations Committee will ask the nominee to confirm their interest prior to including them as a candidate on the ballot.

TCS members may nominate another TCS member or self-nominate. TCS members may also nominate non-members, but non-members must agree to join TCS if selected for the slate of candidates. You may nominate more than one person per position.

Criteria for Candidates

  • Express an interest in TCS and commitment to the TCS mission
  • Maintain TCS membership in good standing (If not a current member, candidates must agree to join TCS prior to the start of their term on the Board) 

Diversity Statement

Please note the TCS Board recognizes that the Board’s composition is balanced and strengthened by differences among members in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, age, professional and institutional disciplines, size of employment organizations, geographical regions, and philosophies about the profession and its practice areas. Therefore, you are encouraged to nominate qualified individuals that would promote Board diversity, especially those from historically underrepresented minority groups.

Nominations Committee and Election

The 2024 Nominations Committee consists of Steven MacLeod (Past-President), Paul Ticco (President), Emily Vuxton (Secretary), and Judy Tucker (Executive Director). The Nominations Committee will review nominations compiled by the TCS Executive Director and develop a slate of recommended (eligible) candidates for Board approval. Following Board approval in October, the elections ballot will be distributed, and the results of the election will be declared in November.

Board Member Responsibilities

It is essential that nominees be willing and able to fulfill the following functions of a TCS Officer or Director. Because most TCS business is conducted during traditional business hours (8:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday-Friday), nominees are strongly encouraged to obtain prior approval from their employers to participate on the TCS Board. Consider letting them know that (1) TCS addresses emerging coastal issues that may be important to them, (2) you will have access to knowledge exchange and relationship building with colleagues from around the country, and (3) you will have be an opportunity to develop project management and team leadership skills.
The role of officers and directors is to serve as voting members of the TCS Board.  Officers and directors are expected to be knowledgeable about TCS, its mission and bylaws (see, and be committed to maintaining a strong organization that is responsive to the membership. All Board members are also expected to actively support fundraising and promote TCS activities. See further description of primary duties below.
Primary Duties of the President-Elect

  • With the President, lead implementation of the TCS strategic plan.
  • In the absence of the President, assume the role of President with all authority and responsibility.
  • Serve on the TCS Executive Committee and Nominations Committee.
  • Identify and mentor members to serve in any upcoming vacancies on the Board of Directors or open appointed positions on committees.
  • Plan and implement activities to provide transition for incoming and outgoing Board members and committee chairs.
  • As appropriate (i.e., if not otherwise designated), serve as Board liaison to TCS committees, ad‑hoc committees, TCS chapters, and to other organizations, institutions, and associations.
  • Represent TCS at meetings/conferences and with the media.
  • Carry out responsibilities as requested at all TCS meetings, including Board meetings.
  • Fulfill additional duties listed for a Director
  • With the President, lead implementation of the TCS strategic plan.

** Experience in a leadership position, such as a chair of a committee or previous experience on a Board of Directors, is desirable. Prior fundraising experience is also preferred.

Primary Duties of the Secretary

  • Record and distribute all proceedings of business, general membership, executive committee and Board of Directors meetings with the assistance of the Executive Director
  • Deliver all notices as in accordance with provisions of the TCS bylaws, with the assistance of the Executive Director.
  • Aid the Treasurer and Executive Director in ensuring all current books, reports, statements and all other documents and records of TCS are properly kept and filed.
  • Prepare and distribute the TCS annual report with the assistance of the President and the Executive Director.
  • Serve on the TCS Executive Committee.
  • Support TCS Executive Committee in identifying and mentoring members to serve in any
    upcoming vacancies on the Board of Directors.
  • Carry out responsibilities as requested at all Board meetings, TCS conferences, and other special meetings.
  • Adhere to those functions listed for a TCS Director not listed above.
  • Write or solicit items/articles for the TCS BLOG.

Primary Duties of Directors

  • Participate in Board meetings (virtual)
  • Conduct, manage, and control the business of TCS through the adoption of programs and policies
  • Act on the reports of committees, task forces, chapters, and others responsible to the Board
  • Participate in fundraising efforts
  • Serve on at least one committee (or subcommittee)
  • Actively recruit new members annually
  • Annually evaluate the job performance of the executive director and review contracts of any outside vendors.
  • Carry out responsibilities as requested at all TCS meetings, including Board meetings
  • Serve as an advocate for TCS with other organizations and at conferences and meetings
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all TCS activities

Financial Commitment

Financial assistance/compensation is not available for participation on the all-volunteer Board. Board members who are not able to include TCS activities under their organization’s budget commit to serve in a volunteer capacity and agree to personally fund any associated costs (e.g., computer/software/phone for virtual meetings, which are typically hosted via Zoom). Travel costs for in-person meetings and workshops are typically not covered by TCS. Also, while Board members are not required to make financial contributions to TCS, it is customary for board members to make such contribution at least once per year (e.g., during annual giving campaign). 

Thank you for taking the time to think about the future of TCS!  We hope that you will consider joining our Board to help advance the TCS mission to actively address emerging coastal issues by fostering dialogue, forging partnerships, and promoting communication and education.