TCS Conference

Past Conferences: Locations and Proceedings

Conference Locations and Dates

25. Our Coasts, Our Future, Our Choice
New Orleans, LA, December 10-15, 2016

24. Inspiring Action, Creating Resilience
National Harbor, MD, November 1-6, 2014

23. Our Coasts, Our Heritage: Ecosystem Services for the Common Good
Miami, Florida, June 3-6, 2012

22. Shifting Shorelines: Adapting to The Future
Wilmington, North Carolina, June 13-16, 2010

21. Coastal Footprints: Minimizing Human Impacts, Maximizing Stewardship
Redondo Beach, California, June 29-July 3, 2008

20. Charting a New Course: Shaping Solutions for the Coasts
St. Pete Beach, Florida, May 14-17, 2006

19. Measure for Measure: How Do We Gauge Coastal Stewardship?
Newport, Rhode Island, May 23-26, 2004

18. Converging Currents: Science, Culture and Policy at the Coast
Galveston, Texas, May 19-22, 2002

17. Coasts at the Millennium
Portland, Oregon, July 9-12, 2000

16. Minding the Coast: It’s Everybody’s Business
Williamsburg, Virginia, July 12-15, 1998

15. Seeking Balance: Conflict, Resolution, and Partnership
Seattle, Washington, July 14-17, 1996

14. The Coast: Organizing for the Future
Charleston, South Carolina, April 17-21, 1994

13. Organizing for the Coast
Washington, DC, April 5-8, 1992

12. Our Coastal Experience: Assessing the Past, Confronting the Future
San Antonio, Texas, October 21-24, 1990

11. Ports and Harbors: Our Link to the Water
Boston, Massachusetts, October 22-26, 1988

10. Estuarine and Coastal Management: Tools of the Trade
New Orleans, Louisiana, October 12-15, 1986

9. Gambling with the Shore
Atlantic City, New Jersey, October 14-17, 1984

8. Communicating Coastal Information
Baltimore, Maryland, October 11-13, 1982

7. Achievements of the ’70s and Prospects for the ’80s
Galveston, Texas, October 11-14, 1981

6. Utilization of Science in the Decision-Making Process
San Diego, California, October 13-15, 1980

5. Resource Allocation Issues in the Coastal Environment
Newport, Rhode Island, November 6-8, 1979

4. Coping with the Coast
Burlington, Ontario, September 26-28, 1978

3. Energy Across the Coastal Zone
Seattle, Washington, November 3-5, 1977

2. Time-Stressed Coastal Environments: Assessment and Future Action
New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-20, 1976

1. The Present and Future of Coasts
Arlington, Virginia, November 1975