TCS Forum: November 6, 2023 in Wilmington, NC

Priority Issues in Coastal North Carolina:
A Forum by The Coastal Society

Announcement about the NC Coastal Issues Forum on November 6 in Wilmington, NC Public is invited.

The Coastal Society, in partnership with the North Carolina Sea Grant (NCSG) and the University of North Carolina – Wilmington (UNCW), held an in-person event Priority Issues in Coastal North Carolina: A Forum by The Coastal Society.

Panelists representing universities, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations shared insights into their roles in addressing critical topics shaping the future of North Carolina’s coastal region:

  • Planning and Implementing Coastal Resilience Strategies
  • Research and Control of Toxins/PFAS
  • Marine Spatial Planning: Offshore Wind Planning and Permitting, Sand Mining

During break out sessions, coastal experts, managers, advocates and students introduced themselves and dove into understanding the challenges and breakthroughs to addressing these issues. Participants had the opportunity to learn more by interacting with student poster presenters. The networking continued at a local brewery.

TCS is deeply grateful to its partners, UNCW and NC Sea Grant, and our sponsors, Lynker, Inc., NC Division of Coastal Zone Management, NC Coastal Federation, Duke Marine Lab and East Carolina University, for their invaluable support in making this event possible.

Thank you to all who attended and made this event a huge success. We look forward to continuing the discussion around these issues. Keep an eye on this page for more information from this forum.

Event Resources:

November 6 TCS Forum Agenda

Master PowerPoint

PowerPoint Presentation – Dr. Pingping Meng

Speaker Bios/Contact Information

Blog: TCS Hosts Forum on Priority Issues in North Carolina